Deteksi DEET dalam Lotion dan Spray Anti Nyamuk: Jaminan Aman di Setiap Tetes
Iklim tropis, perubahan iklim yang cepat, serta peningkatan curah hujan di November – Desember menyebabkan populasi nyamuk jenis Aedes aegypti dan Ae. albopictus meningkat, dimana nyamuk Indonesia sendiri didominasi oleh Ae. aegypti dan Culex quinquefasciatus...
Measure the Quality of Aquaculture Feed with Stability Values in Water
Feed in Aquaculture Feed is one of the crucial factors in determining the success of aquaculture. For example, in the context of shrimp farming, around 60-70% of the total operational costs are allocated to feed procurement. The choice of type and quality of feed must...
Ukur Kualitas Pakan Akuakultur Dengan Nilai Kestabilan Dalam Air
Pakan Pada Akuakultur Pakan merupakan salah satu faktor krusial dalam menentukan kesuksesan budidaya air . Contoh dalam konteks budidaya udang, sekitar 60-70% dari total biaya operasional dialokasikan untuk pengadaan pakan. Pemilihan jenis dan kualitas pakan harus...
Detection of Extracted Metal in Syringes, Making Safe and Quality Medical Devices a Reality
What is a Hypodermic Needle? A hypodermic needle is a hollow needle commonly used with a syringe to remove or inject substances/fluids into the body. Syringe that filled with a substance carries the risk of the extractable compounds presence such as heavy metals,...