Oral & Dermal Acute Toxicity
Acute toxicity test is a study of the adverse effects that occur immediately after exposure to a single dose of the active ingredient or multiple doses within ± 24 hours. The difference between oral and dermal acute toxicity tests lies in the administration of exposure to the active ingredients by oral (mouth) and epidermis (skin). This test is carried out in vivo using rodents as the test subject.
Oral and dermal acute toxicity test is one of the technical requirements for the registration of pesticide products. This is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture. In this regulation, acute toxicity is interpreted as Lethal Dose 50 (LD50), where the higher the LD50 value, the less toxic the active ingredient is.
This in vivo toxicity study is carried out to ensure product safety, considering that humans may be exposed to air, skin contact, or food. Therefore, the data from this test is required in the administration of pesticide products. The following limits are specified in the regulations.
Oral Acute Toxicity
LD50 (Rat)
(Solid) dosage: >50 mg/kg
(Liquid) dosage: >200 mg/kg
Acute Skin Toxicity
LD50 (Rat)
(Solid) dosage: >100 mg/kg
(Liquid) dosage: >400 mg/kg
LD50 (Rabbit)
(Solid) dosage: >50 mg/kg
(Liquid) dosage: >200 mg/kg
How SIG can help
The SIG laboratory can conduct toxicity tests on pesticide product matrices following the provisions stipulated in the regulations as an accredited toxicity testing agency/laboratory.
Method of Analysis
We use the standard method of toxicity test as determined by the Director-General on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture.
Library of Knowledge
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SIG Laboratory
Graha SIG, Jl Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16113.
Phone. +62 251 7532 348
WhatsApp. +62 82 111 516 516
Email. marketing-sig@saraswanti.com
SIG Jakarta
Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 52 B RT 006 / RW 001, Rawasari, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10570.
Phone. +62 21 2147 9292
SIG Surabaya
AMG Tower, 12th Floor, Jl. Dukuh Menanggal 1-A, Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60234.
Phone. +62 31 8253 1288
WhatsApp. +62 818 885 165
Email. marketing@sigsurabaya.com
SIG Semarang
Jl. Kanfer Raya Blok R No. 4 Pedalangan, Kec. Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50268.
Phone. +62 24 7004 0541
WhatsApp. +62 812 9000 5165
Email. cs.sigsmg@saraswanti.com
SIG Medan
Jl. Bunga Asoka, Ruko Komp. Asoka Raya Residance No. 1, Medan Selayang, Sumatera Utara 20133,
WhatsApp. +62 822 7207 9665
Email. salesmedan.sig@saraswanti.com
SIG Yogyakarta
WhatsApp. +62 896 4856 9422
Email. arifin.sig@saraswanti.com
Operational Hours
Monday to Friday
08.00 - 17.00 WIB.