SIG Actively Participating and Agreeing with the Indonesian Halal Laboratory Consortium
As one of the countries with the largest Muslim majority in the world, SIG are here to support the government in this case together with the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) to actualize the protection and guarantee of halal products to the public through laboratory tests such as alcohol, DNA and Porcine / Content DNA Detection Pig. One of the concrete manifestations of SIG is by actively participating and agreeing with the Indonesian Halal Laboratory Consortium which was held on Friday, December 15, 2022.
Berita dan Informasi
Serat Pangan AOAC 2017 & 2022, Metode Tepat Untuk Hasil Yang Akurat
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the human body so it can help regulate the body's use of sugar, helping to keep hunger...
Terdepan dalam uji keamanan beras! SIG menjadi lab satu-satunya di Asia Tenggara dalam deteksi Sulfuryl Fluoride
Rice is one of the main food commodities that are consumed by many people, especially in fulfilling carbohydrate intake. Central Bureau Statistics...
SIG Terima Kunjungan Belajar WHO Timor-Leste
As our commitment to being active inactualizing a better place to live #towardsasaferworld in the global community, on Wednesday, 21 December 2022,...
SIG bersama Resistomap - Finlandia, Wujudkan Kolaborasi Bioteknologi Dalam Pengujian Bakteri Resisten Antibiotik
Resistomap Oy and PT Saraswanti Indo Genetech (SIG) agreed to build cooperation by signing a Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring Service Business...
SIG Laboratory
Graha SIG, Jl Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16113.
Phone. +62 251 7532 348
WhatsApp. +62 82 111 516 516
SIG Jakarta
Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 52 B RT 006 / RW 001, Rawasari, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10570.
Phone. +62 21 2147 9292
SIG Surabaya
AMG Tower, 12th Floor, Jl. Dukuh Menanggal 1-A, Gayungan, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60234.
Phone. +62 31 8253 1288
WhatsApp. +62 818 885 165
SIG Semarang
Jl. Kanfer Raya Blok R No. 4 Pedalangan, Kec. Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50268.
Phone. +62 24 7004 0541
WhatsApp. +62 812 9000 5165
SIG Medan
Jl. Bunga Asoka, Ruko Komp. Asoka Raya Residance No. 1, Medan Selayang, Sumatera Utara 20133,
WhatsApp. +62 822 7207 9665
SIG Yogyakarta
WhatsApp. +62 896 4856 9422
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