Food & Feed
- Allergen
- Proximate Analysis
- Antibiotics
- Antioxidants
- Amino Acids
- Fatty Acid
- Organic Acids
- Dioxins & PCBs
- GMO & Molecular Biology
- Sugar & Sweeteners
- Contaminants
- Heavy Metal
- Mycotoxins
- Microbiology
- Mineral & Other Elements
- Shelf Life Test
- Food Preservatives
- Food Colorants
- Pesticides Residues
- Solvent Residues
- Fiber
- Vitamins
Cosmetics & Personal Care
Pharmaceutical & Traditional Medicine
Medical Mask
Medical Devices
Disinfectant & Antiseptic Products
UV Lamp Products
Supporting Lab (Research Purpose)
Compounds Screening
Quality of Product for Indonesian Market
- Acute Toxicity
- Chronic Toxicity
- Dermal Acute Irritation
- Eye Irritation
- Sensitization
- Suchronic Toxicity
- Systemic Toxicity
- Vaginal Mocous Irritation
Shelf Life Test
Shelf life is defined as the period of time under defined conditions of storage, after manufacture or packing, for which a food product will remain safe and be fit for use. In other words, during this period, it should retain its desired sensory, chemical, physical, functional or microbiological characteristics and, where appropriate, comply with any label declaration of nutritional information when stored according to the recommended conditions.
How SIG can help
SIG Laboratory can help you determine the shelf life of “ready-to-market” products using a conventional method or accelerated shelf-life test (ASLT). ASLT is used to shorten the time required to estimate a shelf life which otherwise can take an unrealistically long time to determine by a conventional method.
The most common form of accelerated shelf-life determination therefore relies on storing food at an elevated temperature (Arrhenius method) or seen from the value of the critical moisture content of the product at variations in the humidity of environmental conditions under atmospheric pressure (the isothermal absorption curve equation model approach / Labuza method)
Method Analysis
We offer a test method for estimating the shelf life of your products using conventional techniques as well as ASLT techniques.
ASLT techniques
- Arrhenius Method
- Labuza Method
SIG Laboratory is also very open to discussing with you in the process of determining which the best methods to be suitable for use in testing the estimated shelf life of your product.
Library of Knowledge
Tabel AKG Sempurna? Ini Cara Membuatnya Tanpa Pusing!
Tabel Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) merupakan pedoman penting yang berisikan tentang kebutuhan gizi harian bagi masyarakat Indonesia sesuai dengan kelompok usia, jenis kelamin hingga kondisi fisiologis seperti ibu hamil atau menyusui. Nah, Membuat Tabel AKG tidak terlalu...
Mau Tahu Obat Tradisional Aman atau tidak? Ini Peran Lab Uji Obat yang Wajib Kamu Pahami
Obat tradisional dipercaya sebagai ramuan yang cukup manjur untuk berbagai keluhan, penyakit dan kondisi kesehatan lainnya. Namun hal tersebut berbanding terbalik sejak adanya Lab Uji Obat. Karena secara klinis, obat tradisional masih mengandung kontaminan yang...
5 Fakta Penting Soal Lab Uji Obat Yang Jarang Orang Tahu
Produk obat – obatan di Indonesia telah banyak beredar. Akan tetapi, tidak semua produsen memilih Lab Uji Obat terbaik dan terpercaya sebagai layanan pengujian yang mutakhir, berkualitas dan berstandar BPOM. Tak heran jika risiko keselamatan konsumen menjadi ancaman...
SIG Laboratory
Graha SIG, Jl Rasamala No. 20, Taman Yasmin, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16113.
Phone. +62 251 7532 348
WhatsApp. +62 82 111 516 516
Email. marketing@siglaboratory.co.id
SIG Jakarta
Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 52 B RT 006 / RW 001, Rawasari, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10570.
Phone. +62 21 2147 9292
SIG Medan
Jl. Bunga Asoka, Ruko Komp. Asoka Raya Residance No. 1, Medan Selayang, Sumatera Utara 20133,
WhatsApp. +62 822 7207 9665
Email. salesmedan.sig@saraswanti.com
SIG Semarang
Jl. Kanfer Raya Blok R No. 4 Pedalangan, Kec. Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50268.
Phone. +62 24 7004 0541
WhatsApp. +62 812 9000 5165
Email. cs.sigsmg@saraswanti.com
SIG Yogyakarta
WhatsApp. +62 896 4856 9422
Email. arifin.sig@saraswanti.com
Operational Hours
Monday to Friday
08.00 - 17.00 WIB.